Currently, I see the following:
root@parca /sys $ grep _BSD_TIME_T {alpha,i386}/include/ansi.h
alpha/include/ansi.h:#define _BSD_TIME_T_ int /* time() */
i386/include/ansi.h:#define _BSD_TIME_T_ long /* time()... */
I wonder if we want to change that to __int32_t in both files?
Additionally, I have the following patch, which is needed
at the moment to suppress warnings (on alpha):
Index: kern_shutdown.c
RCS file: /usr/home/ncvs/src/sys/kern/kern_shutdown.c,v
retrieving revision 1.76
diff -u -r1.76 kern_shutdown.c
--- kern_shutdown.c 2000/07/04 11:25:22 1.76
+++ kern_shutdown.c 2000/07/23 18:20:22
@@ -175,21 +175,37 @@
printf("Uptime: ");
f = 0;
if (ts.tv_sec >= 86400) {
+#ifdef __alpha__
+ printf("%dd", ts.tv_sec / 86400);
printf("%ldd", ts.tv_sec / 86400);
ts.tv_sec %= 86400;
f = 1;
if (f || ts.tv_sec >= 3600) {
+#ifdef __alpha__
+ printf("%dh", ts.tv_sec / 3600);
printf("%ldh", ts.tv_sec / 3600);
ts.tv_sec %= 3600;
f = 1;
if (f || ts.tv_sec >= 60) {
+#ifdef __alpha__
+ printf("%dm", ts.tv_sec / 60);
printf("%ldm", ts.tv_sec / 60);
ts.tv_sec %= 60;
f = 1;
+#ifdef __alpha__
+ printf("%ds\n", ts.tv_sec);
printf("%lds\n", ts.tv_sec);
cat: /home/alex/.sig: No such file or directory
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