(17) sean@pulse: ~ $ ls -G
ls: illegal option -- G
usage: ls [-ACFHLPRTWacdfgiklnoqrstu1] [file ...]
(18) sean@pulse: ~ $

sure about that? output from a 4.0-STABLE system, last cvsup'd july 1.

On Wed, 12 Jul 2000, Daniel C. Sobral wrote:

> > 
> > What about it for 4.0-ST?
> > 
> >  alias h                history 25
> >  alias j                jobs -l
> > -alias la       ls -a
> > -alias lf       ls -FA
> > -alias ll       ls -lA
> > +alias la       ls -aG
> > +alias lf       ls -FAG
> > +alias ll       ls -lAG
> No. If you want colors, alias ls ls -G. And, in particular, we do not
> impose colors by default.
> > -setenv PAGER   more
> > +setenv PAGER   less
> Why would we do that? Unix pager is more(1). That is true in all Unix in
> existance.
> > -HOME=/root
> > -export HOME
> > -TERM=${TERM:-cons25}
> > -export TERM
> > -PAGER=more
> > -export PAGER
> > +export HOME=/root
> > +export TERM=${TERM:-cons25}
> > +export PAGER=less
> That's not garanteed to work. Not all shells support export used in this
> way. So, again, no.
> -- 
> Daniel C. Sobral                      (8-DCS)
>               <jkh> _DES: The Book of Bruce has only one sentence in it, and it says
> "the actual directives of my cult are left as an exercise for the
> reader. Good luck."
>               <EE> jkh: does it really include the 'good luck' part?
>               <jkh> EE: OK, I made that part up.
>               <jkh> EE: I figured it should sound a bit more cheery than how Bruce
> initially dictated it to me.
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