-On [20000709 18:45], Jim Mercer ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
>hmmm.  maybe, /usr/share/examples/cvsup/... should be updated to reflect the

Should be updated.  Patience grasshopper. =P

>also, i noticed something odd on the mailing-list search pages of the website:
>search "cvs-crypto" for questions and current:
>6."David J. Re: cvs-crypto 
>     Score: 1124; Lines: 49; 20-Apr-1997; Archive: freebsd-questions
>i wouldn't have normally looked at this one because of the date, however,
>when looking at the message, i see:


>something broken in the indexing?

Known issue, when I get time I'll look at it.

Jeroen Ruigrok van der Werven          Network- and systemadministrator
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>            VIA Net.Works The Netherlands
BSD: Technical excellence at its best  http://www.via-net-works.nl
``...by God I *KNOW* what this network is for, and you can't have it.''
        -- Russ Albery

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