Yeah, change the /usr/bin/test in soffice to /bin/test. BSD has test in /bin.
Wes Peters had the audacity to say:
> Coleman Kane wrote:
> >
> > Naw, man. Ports are necessary.
> >
> They sure are:
> wes@homer$ /usr/local/office52/program
> bash: /usr/local/office52/program: is a directory
> wes@homer$ /usr/local/office52/program/soffice
> /usr/local/office52/program/soffice: /usr/bin/test: not found
> Then it continues to run the binary. Perhaps the port could fix this
> minor bobble? And include a packing list so it can be deleted?
> Other than that, it seems to work OK. 44 seconds to startup and shutdown;
> it still isn't exactly a speed daemon.
> --
> "Where am I, and what am I doing in this handbasket?"
> Wes Peters Softweyr LLC
Coleman Kane
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