Ronald G Minnich wrote:
> my bad. Anyway we're going to try a kernel next week that parag sent me.

Mmmm. I saw no comments on my loader question.

Loader(8) runs using BIOS services, and loads the kernel from any drive
that BIOS recognizes. It has also been enhanced with PXE knowledge, so
he can load from that to.

I think that your best bet would be booting loader instead of a kernel.
If your BIOS project recognizes the flash card as a disk, accessible
with normal BIOS functions, then loader can work as is (minus whatever
you need modified). If not, it can be changed to understand whatever you
have to access the data in the flash card.

Anyway, booting straight to kernel is a bad idea nowadays for many

Daniel C. Sobral                        (8-DCS)

                "He is my minion, so he doesn't need a name."

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