Sad to say.. I have another bad experience with the NEW asus K7A MB. It will
not allow a Mylex AccellRaid 150 to break out of the bootup sequence to
be configured. :(
Ad that to the new BIOS that won't allow keyboardless reboots :(
These came in a RED box.
On 09-Jun-00 Wilko Bulte wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 08, 2000 at 08:54:28PM +0200, Wilko Bulte wrote:
>> I'm considering buying an Athlon based machine. Before shelling out the
>> $ (well, fl ) I'd like to know what experiences have with Athlon and
>> FreeBSD. And obviously which mom boards to prefer or keep away from.
> Anybody using the Abit KA7? If yes, do you like it?
> I appreciate the KA7 PCI/ISA combo slot instead of the useless AMR thingy
> Asys
> has on their praised K7V (mind you, I like Asus as such, excellent
> experiences with them over the years).
> W/
> --
> Wilko Bulte FreeBSD, the power to serve
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