> Date: Thu, 25 May 2000 09:42:51 -0700 (PDT)
> From: "Duane H. Hesser" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: FreeBSD kernel as a replacement for Linux kernel
> Anyone remember the old Pyramid OSX 'universe' command?
> In the mid-80s, when the "System V" versus "BSD" dichotomy was in
> full bloom, Pyramid delivered a system with two "universes" available.
> A user could specify 'universe bsd' and work in a pure BSD environment;
> 'universe att' placed you in a pure S5 environment (of the time).
> A user in the BSD environment could "cross the line" by issuing a
> command like "att ls", or even "att cc ....".  The universe was
> marked by a flag which affected the interpretation of "conditional
> symbolic links".  A separate syscall was available to create
> conditional symbolic links.

Boy was it slick and useful.

It got wierd with bsd ps -axu | att cut -f1 -d\  | ucb more ...
It got very wierd when you went about 8 levels down


Would get strange results at times... but for most work and scripting it
was quite useful to have both sets of tools available (and THREE
versions of UUCP -- BNU/HDB, SysV, 4.2/3 BSD).  Getting the three to
cooperate was fun.  Most people just went with one.  I actually had two
with different configs running at the same time for the hell of it...

> How about a 'FreeBSD' universe and a 'Linux' universe?  

OK --  now will someone do the hard part -- conditional symlinks.
The ucb (bsd) ones used a hidden directory  /usr/lib -> /usr/.ucblib
the att ones used /usr/lib -> /usr/.attlib...
The same worked with /usr/bin -> /usr/.attbin or /usr/.ucbbin and /bin
and /lib etc...

> Of course, you need a "complete" set of utilities for each universe
> (for some definition of "complete").


And there's now a fair set of AT&T utilities out there including

Sound like a nice idea that might make running things like the 
WordPerfect Office2000 suite easier...

Of course Pyramid went the rest of the route and added a choice of SysV
or BSD init versions along with the applicable getty stuff.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]      |     Microsoft: Where do you want to go today?
                           |     Linux:     Where do you want to go tomorrow?
                           |     BSD:       Are you guys coming, or what?
[EMAIL PROTECTED]      |     Microsoft: Where do you want to go today?
                           |     Linux:     Where do you want to go tomorrow?
                           |     BSD:       Are you guys coming, or what?

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