The following change to /usr/include/ncurses.h which adds a
#define trace _nc_trace
causes problems with our Wine port and probably further software: (vendor branch) Wed May 24 10:44:45 2000 UTC by peter
CVS Tags: v5_0_19991023, HEAD; Branch: NCURSES
Bring in the fix for the trace/_nc_trace issue, without breaking the
vendor branching. The author has fixed this also so we can do this
safely. Tue May 23 13:42:17 2000 UTC by ache
Branch: RELENG_4
MFC: trace -> _nc_trace
For example, consider the following snippet:
void _nc_trace() { }
#define trace _nc_trace
main() {
long trace=0;
if( &trace != &_nc_trace )
As another example, consider Wine, where this change causes:
../ undefined reference to `__GET_DEBUGGING__nc_trace'
due to a new interaction with the TRACE macro in debugtools.h. has
the source of that Wine include file.
In my opinion, we either have to show that the code in Wine is in
violation of ANSI/ISO C, or find a way to fix ncurses.
How about adding a stub instead of a #define? Performance really
shouldn't be an issue in this case!
Gerald "Jerry" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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