I have two machines at home, one running 3.4-Stable which is my
firewall/natd/file server machine. The other is running 5.0-Current
(around 5/8 right now) which mounts a whole bunch of stuff via amd from
the 3.4 machine. Up until say... 2 months ago, this worked really well.
I never had any nfs performance problems. One of the things I mount for
example is /usr/src, and my make world time didn't suffer much, if at

        However, at some point about 2 months ago (I wish I had a more definite
time period, but the problem has kind of snuck up on me) I have been
getting increasingly bad performance from the nfs mount. I get "nfs
server not responding" errors periodically, sometimes lasting for a
minute or more. Last night/this morning the nfs mount stopped
completely, and my world build failed. I also tried mounting the src
directory directly (no amd) and there was no improvement. I tried
killing nfsiod on the workstation and that got things going again
temporarily, but then it died again. 

        So, I am intimately aware of the improvements in nfs in 4.0-Stable, so
if the answer is to just upgrade and get it over with, no problem. I
like to run one of my machines on the older branches to keep track of
possible problems that might crop up at work, but that's no great
sacrifice. However, if there is any interest in debugging this problem,
I'd be glad to help. I've tried ktrace'ing the nfsd on the 3.4 machine,
but I get no output (a 0 byte kdump file). I haven't been able to get a
tcpdump yet, since it usually doesn't wedge itself long enough. In any
case, if anyone is interested in this problem, let me know. If I don't
hear from anyone by friday I'll likely go ahead and do the 4.0 upgrade. 

        "Live free or die"
                - State motto of my ancestral homeland, New Hampshire

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