Ya know, I have been tryingto get programs to work properly with this 3dfx
driver in linux. Directly from th man page, it states that ioctl()'s will return
-1 if there is an error, putting the error no. in errno, or else they will
return zero. The 3dfx driver, written for linux returns, for a few ioctls, a
positive integer representing a non-error, data value, violating this. Well, in
freeBSD, a good deal of this stuff is handled at a higher level in the kernel,
so it is not up to the driver writer to abide by this, the return value is
already placed into errno. This basically creates the problem of compiled linux
binaries not being able to take "advantage" of this little "feature" of a
number of linux device drivers.... 

Coleman Kane
UC Free O.S. Users Group - http://pohl.ececs.uc.edu

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