At 1:56 PM -0600 5/15/00, Warner Losh wrote:
>I have a CVS question.  Normally I wouldn't bother the nice folks here
>with it, but since it involves backmigrating the local changes Timing
>Solutions has made to FreeBSD, I thought that others might find its
>answer useful in the future.

I would be interested, for one...     :-)

>We have a CVS repo that we import the FreeBSD sources into from time
>to time.  All FreeBSD sources are kept on a repo branch.  [...]
>Some of the changes that we've made won't be merged into FreeBSD as
>they are rather hackish in nature [...].  Most of them will.  As they
>migrate back into FreeBSD, we also need to put them back on the vendor
>branch, which I've done in the past by doing an import and changing
>the branch rev from 1 to 1.1.1 with cvs admin, so that's covered.
>Other than using perforce, can anybody recomment a good way to manage
>this situation?

Somewhere recently I was reading about an alternate version of cvs
which had the idea of cvs repository hierarchies.  I *think* it was
'rcvs' (Renegade CVS) which I tripped over at sourceforge, but when
I went back to read more on it I couldn't find whatever writeup I
had remembered.

Since I only read <whateverItWas> one time, I may have some details
mixed up.  It was something like you check out a local repository from
the main repository.  The local developers check things in-and-out
of the local repository, and when everyone's happy with it you can
'commit' changes from the local repository back into the repository
it came from.  I think this 'commit' step required that the local
repository included all changes already in it's parent repository,
so any conflicts between repository's had to be resolved at the local

I don't know if that was actually implemented, or just a blue-sky
idea of something they hoped to do.  I do know I'd like to do
something pretty similar to what you're talking about, and would
like to have a good way to keep track of all the pieces.

Garance Alistair Drosehn           =   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Senior Systems Programmer          or  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

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