In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Daniel C. Sobral wrote:
> Martin Cracauer wrote:
> >
> > In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Bob Bishop wrote:
> > > "The Open Group, a vendor and technology-neutral consortium dedicated to
> > > enterprise integration, announced today that it is releasing the source
> > > code of Motif, using a public license, to the Open Source community."
> > >
> > > Full details at
> >
> > The license seems to make it quite useless.
> >
> Huh? The license makes it quite useful, IMHO.
I already corrected this point.
> > "Free for use on Operating Systems that are themself Open Source"
> > (note the blank), otherwise with something like a GPL virus, but
> (blank? what blank?)
"OpenSource" (without blank) is the term. "Open Source" is like
"Free BSD", suit-wearers language showing the unfamilarness with the
> > incompatible with the GPL. As it is not an essential system library,
> > you may not link GPL programs to it. As the point about FreeBSD is
> That's because GPL is brain-damaged. It is, essentially, incompatible
> with anything but GPL. Even the BSD license had to have a clause removed
> (and I'm still doubtful if this makes it "compatible" with GPL).
I know.
It's an important thing to notice, as no GPL desktop stuff can be
built upon it.
> > that you can make it non-OpenSource at will, no essential system parts
> > of FreeBSD may be linked to it.
> We do have a lot of GPLed code in the system, which cannot be made
> non-OpenSource.
As I said, I had to correct the point, I was mislead by their term
"program" and thought it infected applications using it.
Martin Cracauer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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