Hello, I have come across two network cards that I would like to use with FreeBSD. They have TP and fibre interfaces on them; I grabbed them for free just for the novelty of having a nic with fibre on it :) But at this point I am only interested in getting the twisted pair portion to work. Under FreeBSD 5-current of a few weeks ago at most, pnp detects it but the lnc driver doesnt seem to pick it up. I barely know diddly about C but if it looked like I could throw some ID's in a file and recompile I would have tried. It doesn't look so easy it seems :) Thus I am going for people more experienced. Any assistance in getting this working would be appreciated. Thanks! Details: Looks like Manufacturer is "A.T.I." (no idea if any relation to the video card mauf) Card has printed on it AT-1500PNP as the model number. The main chip is a AMD PCNet ISA-II AM79C961AKC dmesg: unknown9: <ATI AT-1500 Ethernet Network Adapter> at port 0x220-0x237 irq 5 drq 3 on isa0 pnpinfo: Checking for Plug-n-Play devices... Card assigned CSN #1 Vendor ID ATK1500 (0x00158b06), Serial Number 0xe008b3f4 PnP Version 1.0, Vendor Version 0 Device Description: ATI AT-1500 Ethernet Network Adapter Logical Device ID: ATK1500 0x00158b06 #0 Device supports I/O Range Check Compatible Device ID: PNP828c (8c82d041) I/O Range 0x220 .. 0x3e0, alignment 0x20, len 0x18 [not 16-bit addr] DMA: channel(s) 3 5 6 7 8/16-bit, bus master, , , Compatibility mode IRQ: 3 4 5 9 10 11 12 15 IRQ: High true edge sensitive End Tag Successfully got 7 resources, 1 logical fdevs -- card select # 0x0001 CSN ATK1500 (0x00158b06), Serial Number 0xe008b3f4 Logical device #0 IO: 0x0220 0x0220 0x0220 0x0220 0x0220 0x0220 0x0220 0x0220 IRQ 5 0 DMA 3 4 IO range check 0x00 activate 0x01 To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with "unsubscribe freebsd-hackers" in the body of the message