Hello, I have come across two network cards that I would like to use with
FreeBSD.  They have TP and fibre interfaces on them; I grabbed them for
free just for the novelty of having a nic with fibre on it :)  But at this
point I am only interested in getting the twisted pair portion to
work.  Under FreeBSD 5-current of a few weeks ago at most, pnp detects it
but the lnc driver doesnt seem to pick it up.  I barely know diddly about
C but if it looked like I could throw some ID's in a file and recompile I
would have tried.  It doesn't look so easy it seems :)  Thus I am going
for people more experienced.  Any assistance in getting this working would
be appreciated.  Thanks!

Looks like Manufacturer is "A.T.I." (no idea if any relation to the video
card mauf)
Card has printed on it AT-1500PNP as the model number. 
The main chip is a AMD PCNet ISA-II AM79C961AKC
dmesg: unknown9: <ATI AT-1500 Ethernet Network Adapter> at port
0x220-0x237 irq 5 drq 3 on isa0
Checking for Plug-n-Play devices...

Card assigned CSN #1
Vendor ID ATK1500 (0x00158b06), Serial Number 0xe008b3f4
PnP Version 1.0, Vendor Version 0
Device Description: ATI AT-1500 Ethernet Network Adapter

Logical Device ID: ATK1500 0x00158b06 #0
        Device supports I/O Range Check
Compatible Device ID: PNP828c (8c82d041)
    I/O Range 0x220 .. 0x3e0, alignment 0x20, len 0x18
        [not 16-bit addr]
    DMA: channel(s) 3 5 6 7 
        8/16-bit, bus master, , , Compatibility mode
    IRQ: 3 4 5 9 10 11 12 15 IRQ: High true edge sensitive
End Tag

Successfully got 7 resources, 1 logical fdevs
-- card select # 0x0001

CSN ATK1500 (0x00158b06), Serial Number 0xe008b3f4

Logical device #0
IO:  0x0220 0x0220 0x0220 0x0220 0x0220 0x0220 0x0220 0x0220
IRQ 5 0
DMA 3 4
IO range check 0x00 activate 0x01

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