[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Olaf Hoyer) writes:

> Well, thats reality.
> Sometimes the mobile telco hotlines are so overloaded, you cannot even tell
> them that your phone was stolen. (Talk about service-but you get what you
> pay for)
> In germany, there is some list, where every cell phone can be entered with
> its IMEI-number (thats like the MAC on an ethernet card). So theoretically
> you simply enter them and make them useless for the thief. 

In Finland, somebody is apparently doing something to track down
stolen phones, rather than block their use.

One Saturday morning I got a call from someone at some agency (I
couldn't quite make out what it was, it sounded like customs but that
would seem odd) accusing me of stealing the GSM phone I was using.  It
turned out that he had one digit wrong (presumably of the either the
IMEI-number or just the MSISDN).  I wonder what he was trying to
accomplish by calling the supposedly stolen phone.

This was last month, but not on April 1...  ;--)

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