On Sun, 23 Apr 2000, Brian Fundakowski Feldman wrote:

> Some weeks ago, I made a small modification to make(1) so that it could
> be built to use a different shell for its work.  It already seemed to
> have the idea at least partially thought out and in the code, so it was
> a naturally easy thing to finish implementing.  The code will remain
> exactly the same unless you set the following (e.g. in make.conf):
[some eliding]

in general, it's a good idea, but the problem, is, it gives a lot more
freedom without any real gain.  It only allows one to write Makefiles that
use your private choice of shell, and you can do anything you want, I
think, as it is now.

Your next paragraph, where you give "csh" as an example, it (I think) a
perfect counter-example, because (as we all know) csh is a horrible
scripting language, but I bet it gets used.  Not only that, but one will
end up having hav have 15 different shells installed on machines, just to
build things that require odd shells.

Just so you don't have to use sh.

The idea of being able to use your own shell is great, until you think
about how you're opening the door to abuse of it.

> I'd like to get public opinion on this change to see if many others will
> find it useful.  Note that the change also allows you to use "/bin/csh"
> with MAKE_SHELL=csh, but you might not want to shoot yourself in the foot
> like that :)  Let me know if you find it useful to you; if people do find
> it useful enough to have these make(1) speed increases, I'll commit it
> to 5.0 and 4.0.  It should also apply to 3.4, but I haven't tried it yet,
> as my machines run -CURRENT.
> Let me know what kind of results you have :)  I'm interested in results
> with the real Korn shell, zsh, or bash, as well; I'll specifically add
> those to the logic if people have good results there.
> Thanks for any feedback!
> --
>  Brian Fundakowski Feldman           \  FreeBSD: The Power to Serve!  /
>  [EMAIL PROTECTED]                    `------------------------------'

Chuck Robey            | Interests include C & Java programming, FreeBSD,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  | electronics, communications, and signal processing.

New Year's Resolution:  I will not sphroxify gullible people into looking up
fictitious words in the dictionary.

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