:1) use dd to make the partition a file:
:       dd conv=noerror,sync if=/dev/wd1s1e of=var.file
:2) use ffsrecov (from ports) to scan that file for backup superblocks (my
:primary super block was corrupt so ffsrecov would crash if I tried to
:recover anything)
:       ffsrecov -s var.file

    You can also run fsck on the file directly, believe it or not!  Use
    the -b option to specify the alternate superblock.  You can then use
    the VN device to mount the file as a filesystem and copy it off, or
    you can run dump specifying the file directly (not use vn) to copy it 


    dd if=/dev/da0s1a of=fubar bs=32k
    fsck fubar
    fubar is not a disk device
    CONTINUE? [yn] y
    vnconfig -r labels -c vn0 fubar
    mount /dev/vn0 /mnt

    Or  (WARNING: make sure you specify the proper arguments to dump or you
    may accidently overwrite the image file):

    dd if=/dev/da0s1a of=fubar bs=32k
    fsck fubar
    fubar is not a disk device
    CONTINUE? [yn] y
    dump 0af - fubar > fubar.dump

:Thankyou again,

                                        Matthew Dillon 
                                        <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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