I was doing some kernel debugging tonight and decided that I needed a
backup plan. Since I already had built my test kernel I thought the
attached would be a good idea. It has the added benefit of moving the
existing kernel.GENERIC to kernel.GENERIC.old in the 'make install'
step. Wording in the comment could probably be better...


    "So, the cows were part of a dream that dreamed itself into
existence? Is that possible?" asked the student incredulously.
    The master simply replied, "Mu."
RCS file: /usr/ncvs/src/sys/i386/conf/GENERIC,v
retrieving revision 1.249
diff -u -r1.249 GENERIC
--- GENERIC     2000/03/21 17:00:58     1.249
+++ GENERIC     2000/03/23 07:47:11
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
 maxusers       32
 #makeoptions   DEBUG=-g                #Build kernel with gdb(1) debug symbols
+makeoptions    KERNEL=kernel.GENERIC   #Remove for building a custom kernel
 options        MATH_EMULATE            #Support for x87 emulation
 options        INET                    #InterNETworking

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