On Thu, 16 Mar 2000, Rafael Gomez wrote:

> Everytime i try to send an email out of my server the answer is "Relaying
> Denied".
> Can any of yuo help me in order to fix this error or let me know where I can
> find out the solution?

  This is really more -questions material. Nonetheless, read
/etc/mail/README. Looks like your mail server is in a different domain
than your MUA. In which case you need to allow relaying for the domain in
/etc/mail/access and rebuild the access.db database. However, more
information would really be useful for a more accurate answer to your
specific problem.


Kelly Yancey  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -  Richmond, VA
Analyst / E-business Development, Bell Industries  http://www.bellind.com/
Maintainer, BSD Driver Database       http://www.posi.net/freebsd/drivers/
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