Perfect ! Please let me know when you get NSS working in the C
library, as I am very interested.
I tried compiling the copy of nss_ldap from - in both GNU_NSS mode and
IRS_NSS mode. Both crapped out in various places and it seemed such a big
chore to try to clean them up, so I stopped.
I'm going to get ADP (some 486 in the corner) to 4.0-CURRENT sources, and use
that as a reference platform for pam. I'm rebuilding pam_ldap from scratch,
as the sources from padl once again passed through too many hands - I think it
needs a fresh start.
About the e-mail, sorry about that. I was typing away in my ISPs dated webmail
system. NPS (Naval Postgrad School, I work there over school breaks) recently
installed a new firewall, which blocks port 25, so I'm pretty stuck (their
mailserver doesn't do realying :().
On Tue, 14 Mar 2000, you wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 14, 2000 at 04:23:32PM -0800, yramin wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > New to the list, but I'm looking into developing a way to
> > authenticate and grab user information from an LDAP server compared
> > to /etc/passwd and company, or NIS. I was poking around the library
> > code and noticed that FreeBSD does not have NSS (name service
> > switch) support (otherwise I would use nss_ldap already out there -
> > it doesn't compile under FreeBSD even with IRS use enabled, I've
> > tried ). What would be the best way to write new getpwent(),
> > etc. routines for FreeBSD? I could stick them into a library and
> > have programs that want to use them link to it, but that is a pain
> > (although quite portable :)).
> > I'm working on a PAM system first (yes, pam_ldap is out there, but
> > it sucks, lots of linuxisms), but would be interested getting some
> > work done on this as well. Any thoughts, advice, pointers?
> PLEASE use the enter key about every 80 characters... your email
> looks horrible ;)
> I'm working precisely on this. I've integrated the NSS functionality
> from NetBSD into the standard C library of FreeBSD. I'm in the
> process of rewriting the get* function to use the dispatcher.
> Once we have that, the way to go would be to have the C library
> dlopen the required modules as PAM does.
> Are you sure that nss_ldap doesn't compile on freebsd? I think I
> compiled it once (and of course it was unusable since FreeBSD
> lacks NSS).
> regards,
> -oscar
> --
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