> >> > However, it reports PHY Unknown type 17 addr 2.
> >
> >> Mike wrote:
> >> This is just a diagnostic message; the interface ought to work 
> >> regardless.  Have you tried it?
> >
> >Oops.
> >
> >It works.
> >I can ping the machine next to me.
> >
> >Pass me the pointy hat.
>    Actually, it doesn't completely work. Full-duplex won't work for example,
> since the driver has to know the PHY type in order to set the proper mode.

Hmm.  I wouldn't have seen that, being on a hub.  The part on the board 
here is:


There's what might be the PHY next to it (assuming it's not internal).

MVT203011 CW

I don't recognise the logo on this, unless it's a new/changed 
International Rectifier logo (looks like two diodes pointing at each 
other inside a circle and square).

\\ Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. \\  Mike Smith
\\ Tell him he should learn how to fish himself,  \\  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
\\ and he'll hate you for a lifetime.             \\  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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