> > > Imagine: cp file file2, file and file2 reference the same exact blocks,
> > > but modified chunks of file2 would be given their own private blocks.
> > 
> > This is not a microsoft innovation, actually, I believe it was a VMS
> > innovation.  It's called a generational filesystem.  the original is
> > stored, and later generations of the file are stored as diffs.
> As far as I know, VMS simply stores whole files - no diffs involved. Now
> if you go back to for instance Univac 1100 and the Exec-8 OS (I suppose
> it is OS-1100 now), you'll find a system that *did* store the diffs. In
> the form of punched card images! :-)

Well, not really.  That was mostly an application convention rather than
being done in the OS.  And that all the applications wanted to use
SIR$ SDF to read program file elements was just a coincidence :-)

The cools part of Exec-8 that we still need (we already have sparse
files) are the virtual filesystem bits.  E.g., unloaded files.  People
have been struggling with multi-level storage architectures on UNIX
for years, while this was pretty much a solved problem on these 1's
complement 36 bit dinosars 30 years ago.  

(The notion was that if you didn't use a file in a while, the system
would release the data blocks, and mark the file as "unloaded."  When
you "assigned"/opened one of these files, a system process would cause
the current backup tape to be loaded, and the file restore.  When you
began to get low on disk space, likeway a systen process would start,
and sort all files based on their priority for being unloaded - based
on last reference time, do we have a current backup, who created it, etc.
It would then begin to release the data blocks until you acheived a
configured threshold.)


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