>From the keyboard of Julian Elischer:

> > > today...  impressive stuff.)  and is someone working on linking i4b
> > > and netgraph?
> > 
> > There will be a netgraph node interface which will link an i4b B-channel
> > to netgraph. There are no plans from my side to netgraphify the D-channel
> > part of i4b.
> to add a negraph interface to the B channels should be quite easy.
> If you need help I can prbably almost do most of it..

Its already in the development sources (Archie had a look at it already)
and it works with mppd. It was really quite easy, although if Archies 
daemonnews article had been available at that time i wrote it, it would
have been even easier :-)

> when this is done the netgraph PPP nodes (which can support
>  these compression types will be usable.

In the mppd i worked with (looking ... mpd3.0b1/mpd3.0b2) deflate was not
present, predictor was not usable, bsd was not present. There were just
hooks for M$ and stac (which you can not release obviously).

Currently i'm using ppp instead of mppd mostly just because it supports
deflate compression. I had a look at both mppd and ppp to see how the
mentioned free stac compression would be integrateable and found them
both similar, given they both come from iijppp. It looks like if it were
a good idea if Brian and Archie would merge both to get the best features
from each one into a common product ;-)

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