> > The problem is how do we keep up with -STABLE
> > afterwards?  Using CVSup, out changes will get clobbered 
> every time.  Is
> > there a facility where you can keep up with the source but let local
> > modifications through?
> Yup, just use cvsup to maintain an up to date copy of the repository
> localy and then cvs checkout your source tree from there.  This allows
> you to keep in sync and keep local modifications in your 
> tree.  Updates
> take longer and I recommend updating ports via direct cvsup instead of
> via cvs checkout (it's much faster if you aren't modifying ports), but
> it works quite well.
Ugh. That's a bit heavy, don't you think?

How about diffing your modifications into a patch file and apply the patch
every time between "make update" and "make world". Practical upshot is that
if you'd like to commit that work, you can just send the diffs. :-)

    Kees Jan

 You are only young once,
      but you can stay immature all your life

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