On Mon, 28 Feb 2000, Marc Frajola wrote:

>     Thanks very much for the reply. I checked out the URL you gave
> (http://www.freebsd.org/tutorials/formatting-media/), and unfortunately
> I'm still wondering how to create one FreeBSD fdisk slice so that
> disklabel can actually create partitions.
>     The reason why I sent the message to freebsd-hackers was because
> when I tried 'fdisk -e', it seems to assign a slice, BUT disklabel
> gives an error like 'No space left on device' or some such thing after
> running fdisk, making it obvious that the fdisk -e didn't work as I
> thought it should.

What are you using for your command lines?  You have to target the
disklabel specifically at slice 1 on the disk otherwise disklabel will
think you're trying to overwrite the slice table and get mad.

>     I will check out the 'install' PicoBSD floppy here shortly to
> see if I can learn anything from that.

I just did that twice today and it definitely works :)  The only problem I
had with those is that the disk boot order (this is a L440GX+ board where
you can configure it) was screwy (i.e. primary-master wasn't the preferred
boot disk).

>     If anybody knows right off what the sequence of commands (complete
> with arguments) to fdisk and disklabel a new drive to make a
> "compatiblity mode" bootable FreeBSD system slice (and make it active),
> I'd appreciate hearing from you.

I have an awk script mercilessly stolen from phk that does the disklabel
dirty work.  Otherwise it's straightforward:

fdisk -e wd0
disklabel .. magic .. 
newfs /dev/wd0s1a

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