> :Speaking of which, I'd like to compliment you on the overall design of the
> :Diablo system.  It has scaled very well to handle a hundred million articles
> :on-spool.
> :
> :Dumping, hash table 67108864 entries, record size 28 <==  :-)  :-)  :-)
> :@268435472
> :diload: 104146775/104146944 entries loaded
> :History file trim succeeded:
> :-rw-r--r--  1 news  news  3184549904 Feb 15 05:53 /news/dhistory
> :-rw-r--r--  1 news  news  3184549904 Feb 15 02:45 /news/dhistory.bak
> :
> :3 hours to rebuild dhistory on a SMP machine.  Sigh.
> :
> :/dev/vinum/news  14154136  8491456  5662680    60%    /news
> :/dev/vinum/n0    31805976 26465776  5340200    83%    /news/spool/news/N.00
> :/dev/vinum/n1    31805976 26754544  5051432    84%    /news/spool/news/N.01
> :/dev/vinum/n2    31805976 27787840  4018136    87%    /news/spool/news/N.02
> :/dev/vinum/n3    31805976 26834120  4971856    84%    /news/spool/news/N.03
> :/dev/vinum/n4    31805976 27609456  4196520    87%    /news/spool/news/N.04
> :/dev/vinum/n5    31805976 26771072  5034904    84%    /news/spool/news/N.05
> :/dev/vinum/n6    31805976 27396296  4409680    86%    /news/spool/news/N.06
> :/dev/vinum/n7    31805976 26801120  5004856    84%    /news/spool/news/N.07
> :/dev/vinum/n8    31805976        8 31805968     0%    /news/spool/news/N.08
> :
> :Yeah, I'm not using that last spool, so I could probably squeeze 120 million
> :articles on here.  No binaries obviously.
>     I have one word for this: "YowZeR!".
>     I assume you bumped up the default hash table size... of course you 
>     must have!

You missed the line above.  64m hash.  Required a fix to Diablo to work
right.  :-)  I actually discovered _that_ the hard way:  Diablo was ignoring
the config file setting, and was creating dhistory with the default hash
size, which caused lots of extra disk I/O (but it still worked fairly well!)
I didn't really have a reason to track it down until I hit the 60 million
article mark, when the slowdown was causing the massive NNTP STAT commands
that DSRS likes to throw at servers was resulting in noticeable slowdowns
(under fifty lookups per second).

And don't tell me that 64m is too big.  I know it is probably too big.  :-)

>     Your welcome!
>     Yes, I designed the Diablo reader *SPECIFICALLY* to be able to do 
>     (multiple) remote spool serving.  The idea was to be able to supply spool
>     redundancy so you could take a spool down without taking the
>     whole system down, and so you could run the 'frontend' readers on 
>     pure-cpu boxes.  It's predicated on the concept that a history lookup 
>     is supposed to be cheap, which is usually true.  

You need something to use to retrieve it, and that's a lowest common
denominator, portable, etc.  It also suits the idea of server-as-network-
appliance, suitable for a specific need, rather than trying to take the
old hammer and bludgeon NFS into doing what is needed.

And I've actually had people _argue_ with me that NFS is still the right
way to do it, that the mount problems can be solved, that the chattiness
isn't an issue, it blows me away.

>     And, of course, the reader uses a multi-fork/multi-thread design,
>     resulting in an extremely optimal footprint.

I hate your threads.  Still trying to see some parts of the bigger
picture.  But it was a reasonable design decision, I'll grant.

>     The spools are supposed to be pure message respositories based 
>     on the message-id and I've contemplated using the technology to back
>     other uses, such as a web-based messaging system or even email inboxes.
>     The article storage format is very robust in terms of crash recovery
>     though in retrospect I should have added a magic cookie + binary size
>     header to the beginning of each article to make recovery more reliable.

"Squid, Squid..."  :-)  I keep looking at that storage API thing in the
newest Squid's.  My Chicago open server pumps out 8K/sec rate limited
connections to 1200 simultaneous clients, that's about 30-40 megabits
of traffic 24/7.  One box.  If I could make a Squid server perform like
that, instead of a twentieth of that, I'd be in heaven.  And Squid's
issue is I/O bottlenecking.

>     I'm glad that you and others are taking over source management of
>     the project, I have no time to do it any more :-(.

I was actually despairing a bit, late last year, no one else seemed to 
care about Diablo.  I am already committed to the model, though, so I
would have done it all myself if I had been forced to.  You'll be pleased
to know that there are even more people than you know who are actively
interested in what's going on, though, including some folks like Russell
who have some really similar visions to mine as to where things need to 
go in the future.  Diablo is going places.  Thanks for a great base to
start from.

... Joe

Joe Greco - Systems Administrator                             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Solaria Public Access UNIX - Milwaukee, WI                         414/342-4847

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