>a. settings on the controller card (e.g. scsi id, termination)
>b. freebsd configuration on the initiator and target PCs.
> (e.g. do we use scsi_pt.c, scsi_target.c, etc).
>here's a diagram depicting what we want to do. we're trying to setup
>a PC (PC2 below) with an adaptec controller to act as an emulated disk.
>PC 1 will access the disks on PC 2.
> ______________ ______________________________
>| PC1 | scsi cable | PC2 scsi bus |
>| adaptec 2940 | ================= | adaptec 2940 ======== disk |
>| SCSI ID=7 | | SCSI ID=0 SCSI ID=5 |
>|______________| |______________________________|
Well, I'd rather try (for simplification) following combo:
I won't connect the two 2940 directly.
PC1 goes via the external SCSI-connector to another (50-pin narrow
connector), that is directly hooked up to the cabling between the HDD and
the 2nd AHA 2940 in PC2.
AHA 2940(id5)--------------^^^----------HDD
Slot blind
with adapter
to 2940(id7)
Those adapters are quite cheap (50 pin from ribbon cable to 50 pin slot blind)
In that combo you would bypass the AHA2940 having to act as a "router" with
his two SCSI channels, being the external connector one channel.
You only would have to worry about right bus negotiation and termination.
(Ok, if you want to do this for fun--- nuff said)
Olaf Hoyer
Olaf Hoyer www.nightfire.de mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
FreeBSD- Turning PC's into workstations ICQ:22838075
Liebe und Hass sind nicht blind, aber geblendet vom Feuer,
dass sie selber mit sich tragen. (Nietzsche)
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