> 1)Are BSD drivers not really documented?(I fear that I may not end up 
> re-inventing the wheel)

I assume that by "drivers" you mean "device drivers" in this context,
e.g. our code for supporting various network interface cards, SCSI
controllers, etc.

They are documented in the sense that there are various files one
refers to when writing a new device drivers in FreeBSD (usually
assorted header files and the sources to at least one related driver)
and the skillful kernel programmer generally knows where to look for
them.  If there were no information at all, new device drivers would
never be written in FreeBSD.

They're not, however, documented in the sense that there's a well
laid-out DDK with lots of examples and high-level architectural
overviews of various subsystems.  The new-bus system, in particular,
is in great need of documentation.

> 2)I am new in this field. Will it be possible for you to tell me from where 
> should I start as I dont have any experience in this field?

Start at the beginning. :)

Seriously, it is a bit like saying "I wish to build and fly my own
experimental airplane.  I have no aviation or aeronautical experience,
however, so could somebody please tell me where I should start?"

Well, perhaps that particular question would be more easily answered
than yours ("with an excellent life insurance policy"), but I think
you get the basic idea.  It's a very broad subject and there are
dozens of individual skills which go into producing a really good doc
set in this area.  That's why it's work usually done by teams when you
get over to the corporate side of things.

- Jordan

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