> > Matthew Dillon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > :BTW, concerning rfork(RFMEM). Could somebody explain me, why the
> > > :following simple program is coredumping:
> > > You cannot call rfork() with RFMEM directly from a C program. You
> > > have to use assembly (has anyone created a native clone() call yet
> > > to do all the hard work?).
> OK, I'd like to propose another option to rfork to make it a little more
> usable for mortals. The option is RFSTACK. This will cause rfork to work
> like my original version, in that the stack segment (all memory from
> USERSTACK and up) will be cloned.
> This would really make a big improvement in rfork usability.
> Comments?
> ron
It's almost a regular fork(), we lose all the advantages of a single
address space. A rfork(RFMEM) wrapper can achieve the same level of
usability without sacrificing the performance, and IMO is a preferred
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