Hi, I recently upgraded from 3.2-R to 3.4-R and there's a huge difference in running xmms. On 3.2-R I had to give it a realtime priority (lowest rtprio, 31, worked fine) to make it run smoothly. With that realtime prio it usually worked fine, except when it ran into a bug that made it go into an endless loop..... (fun fun fun) On 3.4-R it works straight out of the box. No realtime prio needed (so no suid root, or manual su to root needed, no more machine hangs when it stuffs up, yay!), just a negative renice when there's a fair load on the system. BUT (and a big but at that) it now consumes all CPU available. 'top' reports 85-90% in the process list, and 60-65% user CPU, 35-40% system CPU and 0-1% interrupt with just X, windowmaker and xmms running (OK and an Eterm + top). So my question is, what has changed between 3.2-R and 3.4-R that could cause this? BTW, I compiled xmms myself, and recompiled on 3.4 too. And is this a xmms issue, or is it a FreeBSD issue? (So I know whether to spend time looking at xmms source and patching that, or whether to get into the threading development) One thing I need to add, but I doubt it has much impact, is that I haven't upgraded my OSS to the 3.4-R version yet (because the stupid webproxy here fucks up transfermode on ftp downloads. "Binary mode? whazzat?") Second question, which libpthread do I need to compile with 'cc -kthread'? DocWilco To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with "unsubscribe freebsd-hackers" in the body of the message