>Date: Fri, 31 Dec 1999 17:14:23 +0100
>From: Alexander Langer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Try the following:

>Take any year, minute, seconds, hours (etc...).

>set the struct tm accordingly.
>set the tm->tm_mon = 10 (November)
>set the tm->tm_mday = 31 (november has only 31 days)

No.  November has but 30 days.

>mktime(3) with this tm returns the date 1 Dezember.

This is the documented and intended behavior of mktime().

>Does POSIX want this?
>Does anyone have the specs and could take a look?
>Or is this a bug?

It's a C library issue, rather than POSIX or -hackers.

David Wolfskill         [EMAIL PROTECTED]         UNIX System Administrator
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