On Thu, 6 Jan 2000, Arjan de Vet wrote:
> Jordan K. Hubbard wrote:
> >This is very interesting data and I was just wondering about the
> >actual state of functionality in our AIO code just the other day,
> >oddly enough. Does anyone have a PR# for the mentioned patches?
> kern/12053
> A Dec 16 version of the patch can be found at:
> http://tfeed.maxwell.syr.edu/aio-diff
> They won't apply cleanly because some new syscalls have been added.
There may be another PR related too (although a quick search a few seconds
ago didn't show it)--this patch set also fixes a problem where signals
were not posted for aio completion under certain circumstances (the code
just wasn't there before).
Just found the PR--kern/13075
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