On Sun, 26 Dec 1999, Alexey Zelkin wrote:

> hi,
>  AND> Say I want to change the man colors when I read mans at the console.  More
>  AND> precisely, I don't like that underlined text shows up as reversed (black
>  AND> letter on while(grey,7) backround).  How (and where) do I need to say that
>  AND> I want, say, yellow on black instead of reversed when displaying
>  AND> underlined-supposed-to-be text.  Any help is greatly appreciated.
> For supported escape sequences (sequences used to change colors) you can
> read screen(4) manpage.
> Then read termcap(5) manpage. It will describe you termcap file structure.
> Pay espessial attention for `md' (bold mode on) and `so' (standout mode on)
> directives.
> Contact me directly if you need more comments.

And don't forget all the many different flags to xterm, you can control a
*lot* that way, if you're in X.


Chuck Robey                | Interests include C programming, Electronics,
213 Lakeside Dr. Apt. T-1  | communications, and signal processing.
Greenbelt, MD 20770        | I run picnic.mat.net: FreeBSD-current(i386) and
(301) 220-2114             |       jaunt.mat.net : FreeBSD-current(Alpha)

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