> I am in the process of writing a device driver for the Turtle Beach Multisound
> Monterey soundcard. At the moment I am statically compiling my code into the
> kernel and it is somewhat operational. I have added conditional compilation
> code to also compile as a kld module. My problem is that when I kldload my
> module the machine panics in a subfunction of my attach() function that makes
> a call on kvtop() I drop into the debugger DDB and the instruction pointer is
> in the middle of the kvtop() function. If I disable my attach function the
> module will load and unload, but it is nonfunctional without the attach()
> being executed. Statically compiled into the kernel kvtop() executes with no 
> problem.
> To be succinct can I use kvtop() in code that is a kld module?

Yes, althought it's not the right way to do this.

> If not, what is the alternative to accomplish the same result?

You should be using the bus_space functionality to hide the mapping.

>       switch (kvtop(msd->dev->id_maddr)) {

Er.  You do understand that kvtop() attempts to return a physical address 
when given a kernel virtual address, right?  The isa_device id_maddr 
field is a physical address, for which you want a mapping in kernel 
virtual space.  

Assuming you don't want to do this properly and use bus_space, you need 
to use pmap_mapdev(), or to take advantage of the fact that the ISA hole 
is already mapped into kernel virtual space.

You can convert a physical address in the ISA hole to a virtual address 
in kernel space with:

#include <pmap.h>
#include <machine/md_var.h>
  vaddr = (paddr - ISA_HOLE_START) + atdevbase;

Note that this approach is somewhat frowned upon, and if you're working 
with -current it is very definitely the wrong way to do it, but for an 
expedient solution it'll do the job.

\\ Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. \\  Mike Smith
\\ Tell him he should learn how to fish himself,  \\  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
\\ and he'll hate you for a lifetime.             \\  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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