> I've been with BSD a long time--from back when my email address was
> decvax!randvax!edhall.  I want it to succeed, for reasons that are more
> emotional than rational; my nightmare was having to say that my project
> (1) worked on Solaris, (2) worked on Linux, but (3) broke FreeBSD.

And I hope that you'll not hesitate to chime in the next time you run
into a problem and not just wait for it to become the flame topic of
the week. :-)

If you have a hard time getting responses out of our developers, I'm
also happy to offer my own phone numbers (both of which are in my
finger entry at freebsd.org) and email address as a point of contact
if something seems to be stuck and you need it fast-tracked.  This is
no more or less than I'd offer to anyone else in your position and I
hope you realize that some people around here are more than willing to
go the extra mile, with or without what others might consider a
"proper bug report."

- Jordan

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