
So I'm to blame that my project schedule didn't happen to coincide
with the FreeBSD release schedule?  Give me a break.  The project hasn't
even gone into production yet.  And I think you'll find that your apparent
assumption that no one was told about the problems is equally rash.  I
posted a note here, and spent a considerable amount of time working with
one of the core members in outlining the problems and finding workarounds.
Yahoo devoted six machines to a series of experiments to characterize the
problems and seek solutions even though using 2.2.8 was always a ready

I think you'll find that people's willingness to contribute to your
"volunteer-developed project" depends upon a little forbearance and
understanding on your part.  Communication is neither going to be as
timely nor as well-formed as you might like.  Scan the archives and you'll
find ample evidence for phenomena like both issues I described, but never
in a form that says, "here's your bug--now fix it."  If you take a
defensive attitude, you'll never see such things.

Believe it or not, I'm on your side.


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