Does NetBSD have a working rpc.lockd... that would make this much easier. -- David Cross | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Acting Lab Director | NYSLP: FREEBSD Systems Administrator/Research Programmer | Web: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, | Ph: 518.276.2860 Department of Computer Science | Fax: 518.276.4033 I speak only for myself. | WinNT:Linux::Linux:FreeBSD To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with "unsubscribe freebsd-hackers" in the body of the message
- Ok, that's it, enough is enough! (rpc.lockd) David E. Cross
- Re: Ok, that's it, enough is enough! (rpc.lockd) Alfred Perlstein
- Re: Ok, that's it, enough is enough! (rpc.lockd... Doug Barton
- Re: Ok, that's it, enough is enough! (rpc.l... David E. Cross
- Re: Ok, that's it, enough is enough! (r... Matthew Dillon
- Re: Ok, that's it, enough is enoug... Matthew Dillon
- Re: Ok, that's it, enough is enough! (rpc.lockd) Ronald G. Minnich
- Re: Ok, that's it, enough is enough! (rpc.lockd... Alfred Perlstein
- Re: Ok, that's it, enough is enough! (rpc.l... David E. Cross
- Re: Ok, that's it, enough is enough! (r... Alfred Perlstein
- Re: Ok, that's it, enough is enoug... David E. Cross
- Re: Ok, that's it, enough is enoug... C. Stephen Gunn
- Re: Ok, that's it, enough is e... Conrad Minshall
- Re: Ok, that's it, enough ... Dan Moschuk
- Re: Ok, that's it, enough ... Doug Rabson
- Re: Ok, that's it, enough ... Dan Moschuk
- Re: Ok, that's it, enough ... Doug Rabson
- Re: Ok, that's it, enough is enough! (rpc.lockd) Warner Losh
- Re: Ok, that's it, enough is enough! (rpc.lockd... Matthew Jacob