I've managed to recover from it with sprinklings of 'clri' and 'n' to
fsck questions about reconnecting things that look bogus. It would be
nice if fsck could be kinder though - and _why_ did it happen in the
first place?
On Thu, Nov 11, 1999 at 08:11:49PM +0000, Josef Karthauser wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I'm still trying to recover my laptop from a really severe filesystem
> crash using softupdates. The machine hung due to a problem with
> power managment so it needed a reboot. Now fsck won't clean up without
> complaining bitterly about 'softupdate' problems, ultimately coming to
> a halt with a 'can't find inode XXXX' message. I've confirmed with fsdb
> that the inode in question does exist, so why is fsck complaining? Clearing
> the inode in question allows fsck to proceed, and ultimately land on another
> inode that exists, but it "can't find".
> I've searched the lists and this message appear to reference the same
> problem:
> Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 01:58:31 -0400 (EDT)
> From: "Joe \"Marcus\" Clarke" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: Mark Powell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: How to fix cant load /kernel ???? Also soft updates fs corruption.
> In-Reply-To: <Pine.BSF.4.05.9910191604050.64477-100000@localhost>
> I'm running -current; I don't know what Mark was running.
> Kirk mentioned that he was confident that softupdates was 'safe', but I've
> had files (from a previous crash - recovered from) in lost+found that I
> didn't touch, and no-way should have become disconnected from the file
> system - they weren't even in buffercache at the time of the crash.
> I believe that Brian has also had the same problems (at FreeBSDCon).
> Can people put their hands up if they believe that they've experienced this
> so that we can determine whether there's a deeper softupdates problem that
> we're ignoring on faith?
> Also if anyone knows how to recover from it I'd be very grateful to know.
> My /usr partition is uncleanable (although I can 'mount -f' it!! nasty!!).
> Joe.
> --
> Josef Karthauser FreeBSD: How many times have you booted today?
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