Oliver Fromme <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I once programmed low-level FDC stuff under DOS, so I'm a bit

I under CP/M, that's why i wrote the floppy formatter for 386BSD. ;-)

> familiar with this...  The difference between 1.44 and 2.88 Mb
> floppies is that the latter use 36 sectors per track and twice
> the data rate (1 MBit/s).  So the entry should look like this:

Alas, there's way more of differences than this when it comes to 2.88
MB.  The higher data rate makes it now painfully obvious that the
entire timing is misdesigned in the driver, or actually rather that
the entire FDC design is crippled. :)  Seeks will no longer work
reliably on a number of drives then (if you double the FDC clock rate
once again) since the stepper gets overclocked.

Also, there's something called `perpendicular mode' (which i never
fully groked what it's really for) you need to enable for 2.88 MB.

cheers, J"org

[EMAIL PROTECTED] -- http://www.sax.de/~joerg/ -- NIC: JW11-RIPE
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