>     I was recently annoyed to find that I cannot install/boot FreeBSD
> from a hard drive partition extending beyond cylinder 1024 (not a
> problem unique to FreeBSD by any means...). Even with LBA support,
> this translates to an 8-gig limit (i.e. the boot partition must be
> completely within the first 8 gigs of the hard drive).

Actually, LBA support exists, unfortunately enabling it is still a 
little bit magic.

>     So, questions: has anybody thought of this before? I
> couldn't find any reference to such a project anywhere, but it seems
> relatively obvious. Does this sound like a idea worth pursuing? And
> assuming that the previous answers are no and yes respectively, is 
> there anyone who can/would assist with the install integration/testing
> portion of this (I am confident of my ability to code the MBR/BTX
> changes, but much less confident of my understanding on the install
> process).

It's been looked at and basically rejected as "too bloody hard".  If 
you have a convincing argument that this path should be followed over 
using the BIOS 'packet mode/EDD3' interface, and are willing to put the 
code together to do it, then we'll certainly look at it and see what 
can be done to take advantage of it.

\\ Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. \\  Mike Smith
\\ Tell him he should learn how to fish himself,  \\  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
\\ and he'll hate you for a lifetime.             \\  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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