Looking at buildworld of -current on a NoName Alpha:

 0 26262 26135 255  10  0   576  128 wait   I+    p0    0:00.18 /usr/obj/usr
    0 26263 26262 172  10  0   880  112 wait   I+    p0    0:00.15 /bin/sh
    0 27444 26263 152  10  0   752  216 wait   I+    p0    0:00.63
    0 27505 27444 175  10  0   872  112 wait   I+    p0    0:00.03 /bin/sh
    0 27506 27505 171  10  0  1352  336 wait   I+    p0    0:00.10 cc -O
    0 27507 27506   9 -18  0  1000    0 objtrm DE+   p0    0:03.49  (cpp)
    0 27999 27998  11  10  0   888  536 wait   Ss    p1    0:00.42 -sh (sh)
    0 28003 27999  36  37  0   600  424 -      R+    p1    0:00.03 ps -axl
    0   204     1  49   3  0  1320  128 ttyin  Is+   v0    0:00.10
    0   205     1  52   3  0  1320  128 ttyin  Is+   v1    0:00.10

The build hangs, the offending process is I think 27507. This has proven
to be a repeatable hangup. There are always objtrm processes around.
My other Alpha machine using the same source (which is on a local disk
on each machine, so no NFS BTW) has no problems building world.

|   / o / /  _           Arnhem, The Netherlands        - Powered by FreeBSD -
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