| Please, don't give me this crap. "Removable media" is a very | well-defined terminology. Only in screw-your-device-into-the-machine land. We're have to consider hot-swappable devices, including hard disks and floppies and video cameras and new-uber-whatzit-media. -Fred -- Wilfredo Sanchez, [EMAIL PROTECTED] Apple Computer, Inc., Core Operating Systems / BSD Technical Lead, Darwin Project 1 Infinite Loop, 302-4K, Cupertino, CA 95014 To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with "unsubscribe freebsd-hackers" in the body of the message
- Re: Apple's planned appoach to permissions o... Darren R. Davis
- Re: Apple's planned appoach to permissions o... Brian Somers
- Re: Apple's planned appoach to permissions on movable fil... Wilfredo Sanchez
- Re: Apple's planned appoach to permissions on movable fil... Wilfredo Sanchez
- Re: Apple's planned appoach to permissions on movable fil... Kris Kennaway
- Re: Apple's planned appoach to permissions on movable fil... Pat Dirks
- Re: Apple's planned appoach to permissions on movabl... David Wolfskill
- Re: Apple's planned appoach to permissions on movable fil... Pat Dirks
- Re: Apple's planned appoach to permissions on movable fil... Wilfredo Sanchez
- Re: Apple's planned appoach to permissions on movable fil... Wilfredo Sanchez
- Re: Apple's planned appoach to permissions on movabl... Daniel C. Sobral
- Re: Apple's planned appoach to permissions on mo... Brian Somers
- Re: Apple's planned appoach to permissions on movable fil... Pat Dirks
- Re: Apple's planned appoach to permissions on movable fil... Pat Dirks
- Re: Apple's planned appoach to permissions on movable fil... Randell Jesup