On [19991004 11:42], Stephen Hocking ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
>I would like to point out that they use the SDL library for many of their
>products. We have this in our ports section, but it does have a bug in that we
>get a threads crash when doing sound & video simultaneously. The aliens demo
>displays this fault rather well. Sometimes it works, other times it doesn't,
>there's something timing related. I suspect something needs to be protected by
>a mutex somewhere.
Do you mean pthreads?
If so, we still do not have a pthread_cancel in our libc_r which could
greatly make things harder to implement. I think OpenBSD has one and we
might do well to look at that one.
Now if we mean another threads implementation alltogether, than you can
just ignore the above =)
Jeroen Ruigrok van der Werven/Asmodai asmodai(at)wxs.nl
The BSD Programmer's Documentation Project <http://home.wxs.nl/~asmodai>
Network/Security Specialist BSD: Technical excellence at its best
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