I'm <adjective> to announce the availability of a driver for certain
members of the Mylex DAC960 PCI:SCSI RAID controller family, available 
from http://www.freebsd.org/~msmith/mylex.

This driver supports the DAC960P/PD/PU/PL adapters at firmware revision
3.51 _ONLY_, under -current _ONLY_.  Support for other variants is
forthcoming; there is no need to ask for it.  Support for -stable will 
be considered when the feature set has settled down.

Initial functionality is basic; System Disks can be sliced, labelled 
and mounted.  The driver is fully newbus/busdma enabled and can be 
loaded and unloaded safely.

Currently missing (but planned) features:

 - A control utility offering:
      . Array configuration tools
      . 'bus freeze' for safe hot-swapping
      . Statistics gathering
 - SCSI passthrough support

Realistic feature suggestions are welcome.

Please make sure that you meet the following critera before attempting 
to install and test this driver.  Should you do so, please pass your 
results on to me.

You must:

 - Be running FreeBSD-current as of mid-september at least.
 - Be able to build a KLD (instructions are included).
 - Have one of the supported Mylex adapters, with the supported 
   firmware (available from Mylex's site).
 - Be willing to sacrifice the contents of your array.
 - Want to help us improve our RAID controller support!

Thanks must go to Ulf Zimmerman ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), who has kindly
supplied several adapters for the purpose of developing this driver.

\\  The mind's the standard       \\  Mike Smith
\\  of the man.                   \\  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
\\    -- Joseph Merrick           \\  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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