> > :Will you be assigning the copyright to the FSF? (ie: you'll never be able
> > :to change your mind? 50 years is a long time...)
> >
> > 70 now I believe. Changed to be compatible with the euros, who are all 70
> > years apparently.
> If I understand things correctly, there will soon be legislation
> introduced to increase that time.
> Apparently, some companies, particularly Disney - were the big
> backers of the move to 70 years (to protect Mickey, et al) But,
> I've been lead to believe that the music and film industry has
> been pushing quite hard to increase that number...
I'm sure they aren't the only ones. After all, Hemingway's "Old Man and
the Sea" is sold for $10 a pop, mostly just because high school teachers
require it. 8-/
Kris Kirby
TGIFreeBSD... 'Nuff said.
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