Thanks for the info.  I appreciate it.

BTW sorry for the 3 lists.  Tried to pick out the lists that were
pert.  Must admit it looks rather silly on this end as I'm signed
up to those plus a few.

Should I use the questions list or try to pick out the most pert.


> -----Original Message-----
> Mike Smith
> I didn't notice the first time that you'd copied three
> separate lists
> with your first message.  Please don't do that; one
> list is enough.
> > Thanks for the reply.  I guess (unless lightning
> strikes in the
> > next few hours) I'll go ahead and set up as 2 IDE
> drives without
> > mirror and see if I can get FreeBSD to see it.  If
> that doesn't
> > work then back to the motherboard IDE channels...
> You might as well just go back to the motherboard
> channels right now;
> the FastTrak won't give you any advantages.
> > BTW it might be software but it's bios level.  Just after the
> > motherboard bios access.  Just like when you use scsi raid
> > controllers.  So if they get it right it should be
> able to emulate
> > a "standard" IDE drive and not require drivers...
> No, it doesn't work like that.  The OS is required to
> supply it's own,
> FastTrak-compatible software RAID driver to take over
> from the BIOS.
> > I was hoping someone had a hack that could translate
> from what the
> > card bios shows and allow me to go ahead and load FreeBSD.
> No; there is no hope of this in the short to medium term.
> --
> \\  The mind's the standard       \\  Mike Smith
> \\  of the man.                   \\  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> \\    -- Joseph Merrick           \\  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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