On Mon, 20 Sep 1999, Mats Lofkvist wrote:

> Shigio Yamaguchi wrote:
> > It seems that you misunderstand.
> > Current GLOBAL(3.53 and earlier) is BSD-style licensed and it is true for ever.
> > I agree with the plan to make a ports of GNU/GLOBAL in the future.
> > But you need not remove BSD/GLOBAL from source tree.
> But bugfixes and/or developments needed by the core FreeBSD tools
> will have to be done on the BSD licensed version of global
> (since the core system isn't supposed to depend on ports),
> isn't this going to lead to the split of the global development
> in two?

I think that Jerry, in using GLOBAL as an example to push his desire for a
smaller FreeBSD, rather clouded the issue.  I would wish that, if Shigio
doesn't actually assign the copyright to the FSF, then he can release it
under both copyrights, and please everyone.  If Jerry wants to have
FreeBSD be smaller, I think that this method wasn't a good way to start
his campaign.

Shigio was probably taken aback by Jerry's proposal.

Chuck Robey                | Interests include C programming, Electronics,
213 Lakeside Dr. Apt. T-1  | communications, and signal processing.
Greenbelt, MD 20770        | I run picnic.mat.net: FreeBSD-current(i386) and
(301) 220-2114             |       jaunt.mat.net : FreeBSD-current(Alpha)

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