Christopher Sedore scribbled this message on Sep 16:
> > Great, now do you want to tackle aio_cancel?  ;^)
> I've been holding off to see whether I can get the other aio patches for
> improved socket io committed.  I don't want to do two versions of
> aio_cancel (the changes for sockets alter the way things are queued and
> hence the way that cancels have to be done).

sorry for the long delay, I've just completed a move down to San Jose,
and I still need a bit more work to get my test box up and running (it
panics just after booting kernel.GENERIC in process 1(swapper), but once
I do, I plan on testing and committing his changes...

  John-Mark Gurney                              Voice: +1 408 975 9651
  Cu Networking                                   

  "The soul contains in itself the event that shall presently befall it.
  The event is only the actualizing of its thought." -- Ralph Waldo Emerson

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