Hi all,

    Sort of off topic, though thought it might bring about some positive
response and ideas here...

    I've successfully avoided a Cisco solution (though not the ADC kentrox
one =(  )  recently with the Sangoma Wanpipe using FreeBSD 3.2-STABLE
(cvsupped last week).

    Time permitting, I intend to put together an article about this and
submitting it to a few places.. This could make FreeBSD look better in the
view of the coder that isn't core member material, though capable when
needed. Being a little rusty on basic kernel tweaking, it took me about 2
hours total to come to the conclusion that /usr/include/sys/file.h changed
the parameters changed slightly in file->filops->fo_read, and that I needed
to add a fourth parameter, O_RDONLY, to get it working again =)  Could
probably have been done in 2 minutes by someone that regularly has there
head deep in the FreeBSD kernel sources =)

    At the same time, sangoma is short on programmers, and hasn't someone to
devote to FreeBSD/linux.. The linux community has helped them... Dave
MandelSomething (Sales, not the other dave in sales =) at sangoma expressed
interest in FreeBSD side help. For more info on there products, see
www.sangoma.com. The particular card I used was the S508. Had to still use a
ADC kentrox CSU/DSU since the network was splitting 2 channels data(128k),
18 voice, and 4 unused at this time. If it was full data use of the T1, for
another $330, would have had a built in CSU/DSU (for a total of $880 or so,
plus the cost to build the PC).

    I don't think it would take to much to match the tools they have for NT,
on FreeBSD. Further, I think picoBSD could be used to make a better
troubleshooting program on a disk that might help better help debug  issues
between external CSU/DSU, and the wanpipe.

    I am going to give them the updated code later today, and talk about if
it could be included in the FreeBSD distrib.. CORE: Could this be added by
someone b4 3.3 if they agree? Would probably lead to a little more coverage
on there home page as well.. They aren't a bad company, and the Wanpipe
ptpipe driver worked pretty good, along with the card =)..  The main changes
are sys/i386/isa/ptpipe.[ch], and an entry in sys/i386/conf/files.i386, and
of course a line in the KERNEL CONFIG file.

    FreeBSD - making routers out of PC's =)

Eric A. Griff
setjmp Software
(315) 734-1668 Extension 205

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