Bruce Evans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> There used to be security holes that allowed root to lower `securelevel'
> using init.  Rev.1.9 defends against any undiscovered holes.

How about following change?

*** init.8.ORIG Mon Sep  6 14:20:46 1999
--- init.8      Mon Sep  6 14:23:01 1999
*** 92,99 ****
  .Dq secure .
  The kernel runs with four different levels of security.
! Any super-user process can raise the security level, but only 
! .Nm
  can lower it.
  The security levels are:
  .Bl -tag -width flag
--- 92,98 ----
  .Dq secure .
  The kernel runs with four different levels of security.
! Any super-user process can raise the security level, but no process
  can lower it.
  The security levels are:
  .Bl -tag -width flag

KATO Takenori <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  |        FreeBSD           |
Dept. Earth Planet. Sci, Nagoya Univ.          |    The power to serve!   |
Nagoya, 464-8602, Japan                        | |
++++ FreeBSD(98) 3.2:   Rev. 01 available!     ||
++++ FreeBSD(98) 2.2.8: Rev. 02 available!     +==========================+

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