The long-awaited moment (well, by me anyway) has arrived. Except for the
files in /etc/periodic I have finished the cleanup of the /bin/sh scripts
in /etc. I've followed the style guidelines requested by the majority of
-hackers, so I hope that I've made everyone as happy as possible here. You
can find the files at
I've tested as much of this stuff as I can here, but I don't have some
possible options; like an alpha, pc cards, isdn, ppp, etc. I have been
extremely careful in my changes however, so I'm confident that you can
employ these patches without fear of system mangling. In addition to the
previous comments, here are the notes I made while working on this:
1. A few files had no $FreeBSD tag, so I added them.
2. Lots of (spurious?) double spaces in rc.serial.
3. In rc.alpha and rc.i386 some of the one-line comments can probably
be deleted.
4. There are a number of gratuitous punctation diffs between
etc.i386/MAKEFILE and etc.alpha/MAKEFILE.
5.* is Sheldon's work, my thanks to him for
doing the first pass on that file. (Of course, final responsibility for any
errors is mine alone.)
6. In rc and I provided the defaults for *_program variables
to avoid a possible case of user foot shooting.
In the case of files with heavy white space changes you might find it
easier to isolate the significant changes by saving the file and doing a
diff -[uc]Bb between it and the current version.
At some point in the future I plan to start on the periodic scripts, if no
one gets there first. However, I'd like to submit these now for
testing/committing partly so that they don't get stale, and partly because
if I don't take a break and start working on something else my brain is
going to explode. :) All of the patches are up to date as of tonight's
Any questions, comments, suggestions, or what have you are welcome of
course; although I'm really hoping that too many changes are not called for
since that was the purpose of asking for review ahead of time. I'll have
some freebsd-hacking time tomorrow if there are any more nits to be picked.
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